
Sell Tether TRC20 (USDT) to Wise card

Cryptocurrency is a promising investment instrument to earn good money on speculative transactions. However, the disadvantage of digital coins is that they are not universal and have a narrow scope of application. And if a person wants to use the earned funds for personal purposes, he must convert them into electronic money or fiat. Let’s consider options for solving the problem by selling Tether TRC20 (USDT) to Wise card with simultaneous conversion into dollars on

Transfer via exchange

If a user has a certain number of digital coins in an exchange account and wants to transfer them in dollars to a bank card, he needs to be prepared for the following:

  • transferring to a Wise card may take up to 5 working days, like any other bank. This often becomes a significant disadvantage, especially if you need to get money urgently;
  • the commission may be too high, amounting to 4-5% of the transferred amount. Many exchanges organize such transactions through intermediaries, which is why users have to pay more;
  • most exchanges require verification, which includes providing scans of personal documents. Changing Tether TRC20 (USDT) to the TransferWise in USD or any other financial organization will not work without it.

As you can see, the stock exchange is not the best option for solving the problem. Often, operations are expensive and lengthy. There is no need to talk about confidentiality at all.

Translation via Telegram bots and P2P format

Telegram bots allowing you to exchange cryptocurrency for fiat are special programs where the conversion is carried out quickly. But, working with such tools is risky because there is a risk of falling for scammers. In addition, commissions may be too high. For this reason, the option under consideration is not in great demand.

Exchange in p2p format – transactions between individuals. The highest risks characterize them if you look for the second party yourself. You can use special services through which such exchanges are carried out. In this case, they act as guarantors, increasing security. But there are critically few offers from individuals here, often involving the conversion of minimal amounts. In addition, the services themselves are also few and far between. Therefore, this method of withdrawing Tether USDT stablecoin in the TRC-20 network to a Wise card cannot be called convenient and fast.

Transactions with electronic exchangers

They have gained the most incredible popularity today because they allow you to withdraw cryptocurrency with the following advantages:

  • 24-hour processing of applications – many services operate continuously;
  • conversion at current rates – the administration monitors this moment very carefully;
  • no need to undergo verification – not all exchangers require it;
  • completing a transaction in just 10-15 minutes;
  • the ability to convert reasonably large amounts and with low commissions.

Of course, among the services in question, there are also scammers. But you can bypass them if you select offers on a specialized portal,, which provides a list of exchangers that the administration and the users have thoroughly checked. Any service has repeatedly proven its reliability and safety of cooperation. Therefore, all that remains to be done is to choose a suitable transaction, considering the amount of the reserve, the amount of the commission, and the type of transfer.

As for the conversion of Tether, you can transfer digital coins to dollars by transferring them to the card of any bank. After reviewing the information on the page, you will understand why Wise cards are most often chosen. This is a large, stable organization with which millions of users cooperate. She values her clients by providing quality service. This is why people prefer to transfer fiat money here.

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