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How to Use Music Guest Posting to Grow Your Audience and Influence

Music Guest Posting

Music guest posting is a powerful marketing strategy that can help you reach new fans, establish your authority, and boost your SEO. In this blog post, you will learn what music guest posting is, why you should do it, and how to find and pitch music blogs that accept guest posts.

What is Music Guest Posting?

Music guest posting is the process of writing and publishing an article on another music website or blog, usually related to your genre, niche, or audience. The article should provide value to the readers of the host website, and also include a link back to your own website, social media, or music platform.

Why Should You Do Music Guest Posting?

Music guest posting has many benefits for musicians, such as:

  • Reaching new audiences: By guest posting on popular and relevant music websites, you can expose your music to thousands of potential fans who are already interested in your genre or topic. This can help you grow your fan base, increase your streams, and generate more buzz for your music.
  • Establishing your authority: By guest posting on authoritative and respected music websites, you can showcase your expertise, knowledge, and insights on music-related topics. This can help you build your credibility, reputation, and influence in the music industry and among your peers and fans.
  • Boosting your SEO: By guest posting on high-quality and relevant music websites, you can create backlinks to your own website, which can improve your search engine rankings and organic traffic. This can help you attract more visitors to your website, where you can showcase your music, offer your services, or sell your products.

How to Find Music Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

One of the challenges of music guest posting is finding music blogs that accept guest posts. There are many music websites and blogs out there, but not all of them are open to guest contributions. Here are some ways to find music blogs that accept guest posts:

  • Use Google search: You can use Google to search for music blogs that accept guest posts by using keywords related to your genre, niche, or audience, and adding terms like “guest post”, “write for us”, “submit a post”, or “contribute”. For example, if you are a rock musician, you can search for “rock music guest post” or “rock music write for us”. You can also use advanced search operators like “inurl:guest-post” or “intitle:write for us” to narrow down your results.
  • Use online directories: You can use online directories that list music blogs that accept guest posts, such as Outreach Labs, iCopify, or The SEO Labs. These directories can help you find music blogs by genre, topic, or audience, and also provide information like contact details, submission guidelines, and metrics.
  • Use social media: You can use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to find music blogs that accept guest posts, by following hashtags like “#musicguestpost”, “#musicbloggers”, or “#musicwriters”. You can also join groups, communities, or forums related to music guest posting, where you can network with other musicians, bloggers, and editors, and discover new opportunities.

How to Pitch Music Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Once you have found some music blogs that accept guest posts, you need to pitch them your idea and convince them to publish your article. Here are some tips on how to pitch music blogs that accept guest posts:

  • Read the guidelines: Before you pitch a music blog, you should read their guest posting guidelines carefully, and follow them accordingly. The guidelines may include information like the topics they accept, the format and length of the article, the tone and style of the writing, the number and type of links allowed, and the submission process and deadline.
  • Research the blog: Before you pitch a music blog, you should also research the blog and its audience, and get familiar with their content, tone, and style. You should read some of their recent and popular posts, and see what kind of topics, angles, and formats they prefer, and what kind of value they provide to their readers. You should also check their social media presence, and see what kind of engagement and feedback they receive from their fans and followers.
  • Craft a catchy subject line: When you pitch a music blog, you should craft a catchy and clear subject line that summarizes your idea and grabs their attention. You should avoid generic or vague subject lines like “Guest post proposal” or “Article idea for your blog”, and instead use specific and enticing subject lines like “How to write a hit song in 5 easy steps” or “The ultimate guide to music licensing for indie artists”.
  • Write a personalized email: When you pitch a music blog, you should write a personalized and professional email that introduces yourself, explains why you want to guest post on their blog, and pitches your idea. You should avoid sending mass or generic emails, and instead tailor your email to each blog and editor. You should also include some information that shows that you have researched their blog and audience, and that you can provide value to them. You should also include some links to your previous guest posts or samples of your writing, and a brief outline of your article.

How to Write a Great Music Guest Post

After you have pitched a music blog and got accepted, you need to write a great music guest post that delivers on your promise and meets their expectations. Here are some tips on how to write a great music guest post:

  • Choose a relevant and interesting topic: You should choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to both the host blog and your own audience, and that matches your genre, niche, or expertise. You should also choose a topic that has not been covered before on the host blog, or that offers a fresh or unique perspective on an existing topic.
  • Write a catchy headline: You should write a catchy and clear headline that summarizes your main idea and hooks the readers. You should avoid boring or misleading headlines, and instead use headlines that are specific, informative, and enticing. You can also use formulas like “How to…”, “The ultimate guide to…”, or “X tips/tricks/hacks/secrets for…” to create catchy headlines.
  • Write a captivating introduction: You should write a captivating and concise introduction that introduces your topic, explains why it is important or relevant, and previews what you are going to cover in the article. You should also include a thesis statement that states your main argument or point of view. You should avoid long or irrelevant introductions, and instead use introductions that are engaging, informative, and persuasive.
  • Write a clear and structured body: You should write a clear and structured body that supports your thesis statement and provides value to the readers. You should use subheadings, bullet points, lists, examples, quotes, statistics, or images to organize your content and make it easy to read and understand. You should also use transitions, topic sentences, and concluding sentences to connect your paragraphs and ideas. You should avoid writing a long or rambling body, and instead write a body that is coherent, concise, and comprehensive.
  • Write a strong conclusion: You should write a strong and memorable conclusion that summarizes your main points, restates your thesis statement, and provides a call to action or a takeaway for the readers. You should also thank the host blog and the readers for their time and attention, and invite them to comment, share, or follow you. You should avoid writing a weak or abrupt conclusion, and instead write a conclusion that is impactful, relevant, and actionable.

How to Promote Your Music Guest Post

After you have written and published your music guest post, you need to promote it and drive traffic to it. Here are some tips on how to promote your music guest post:

  • Share it on your own website and social media: You should share your music guest post on your own website and social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. You should also encourage your fans and followers to read, comment, and share your guest post, and tag the host blog and their fans and followers as well.
  • Share it on relevant online platforms: You should also share your music guest post on relevant online platforms, such as music forums, communities, groups, or newsletters, where you can reach more people who are interested in your genre, niche, or topic. You should also participate in the discussions and conversations, and provide value and feedback to other members.
  • Track and measure your results: You should also track and measure your results and see how your music guest post is performing. You should use tools like Google Analytics, Bitly, or Social Blade to track metrics like views, clicks, shares, comments, or conversions. You should also analyze your results and see what worked and what didn’t, and what you can improve for your next music guest post.

How to Build Relationships with Music Bloggers and Editors

One of the most important aspects of music guest posting is building relationships with music bloggers and editors, who can help you grow your audience and influence, and provide you with more opportunities and exposure. Here are some tips on how to build relationships with music bloggers and editors:

  • Be respectful and professional: You should always be respectful and professional when you communicate with music bloggers and editors, and follow their guidelines, deadlines, and feedback. You should also avoid spamming, pestering, or demanding them, and instead be polite, courteous, and grateful.
  • Be helpful and valuable: You should always be helpful and valuable when you guest post on music blogs, and provide quality content that benefits their readers and their blog. You should also offer to help them with anything they need, such as promoting their blog,


Music guest posting is a powerful marketing strategy that can help you grow your audience and influence as a musician. By following the tips and steps in this blog post, you can find, pitch, write, promote, and build relationships with music blogs that accept guest posts, and leverage their platform to showcase your music and expertise. Music guest posting can help you reach new fans, establish your authority, and boost your SEO, and ultimately, achieve your musical goals.

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